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FKX Media V2

FKX Media V2

Regular price £7.99 GBP
Regular price Sale price £7.99 GBP
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On V2, the "Enter" text glows and its color can be customized, a feature not present in V1. The layout of V2 and V3 is markedly different from that of V1, and while the product name and price can be disabled on V1, they are enabled by default on the other versions.

However, it is now possible to add more sections such as images, slideshows, banners, custom html (will give you the ability to add a countdown) and the like to all themes. V2 and V3 boast a preload feature that isn't in V1, and one can add their logo to the loading screen, which is beneficial for branding purposes.

And you can change the password page background on all themes.

Additionally, the background of any theme can be changed to a color for a more basic appearance. The V2 and V3 FKX themes are cleaner and smoother in appearance. However, for those on a budget or those just starting, V1 is an excellent choice and is superior to the default themes provided by Shopify.

You will notice a difference with any of these themes especially with the customer retention you will get.

If the focus is on improving conversions, V3 is the best choice. It’s landing page stands out from the others, with a minimalistic design and no "Enter" text. Instead, the main menu can be displayed, allowing visitors to easily access important pages such as contact, return policy, tracking, and gallery pages. These factors contribute to V3 being the theme with the highest conversion rate.

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